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La serie Mumon Ryu Koumori manufacturada con bambú de raíz seleccionado, robusto y de alta resonancia; es nuestra colección más exquisita de flautas shakuhachi jiari de alta gama y excepcional luthería de instrumentos de viento para estudio serio y puesta en escena artística profesional. Hechas a mano de forma tradicional, con materiales 100% colombianos, tecnología de recubrimiento interior de mezcla natural (ji) y barnizado que permiten durabilidad y su perfecta afinación, sonido excepcional y responsabilidad de tesitura de 3 registros. Incrustación de boquilla de precisión de diseño exclusivo vanguardista del maestro Zapata referencia Koumori (Boca del canto de murciélago) que permite una mejor experiencia de soplo, sonido y control de su tesitura.

Esta oferta le da la oportunidad de llevar hoy:

  • Una flauta jiari profesional Mumon Ryu Koumori jiari (1.8 D4).
  • Un estante ensamblable para soporte de flauta.
  • El libro Sopla tu mente controla tu tono, en tapa dura edición de lujo.
  • 4 meses de estudio o 1 año de suscripción al curso maestro de shakuhachi con 1 o 3 ciclos de estudio (según plan de membresia), todo activado en tu aula en línea personalizada.
  • 8 o 24 horas de tutoría agendadas cada 15 días según y durante el tiempo de membresia tomado.
  • Incluye bolsa de tela para protección de su flauta. 
  • Hoja con tabla de notación y digitación.
  • Certificado de autenticidad del instrumento.



(Contact us for payment in monthly installments)

The Mumon Ryu Koumori series manufactured with selected root bamboo, robust and highly resonant; is our most exquisite collection of high-end shakuhachi jiari flutes and exceptional wind instrument lutherie for serious studio and professional artistic staging. Handmade in the traditional way, with 100% Colombian materials, natural blend (ji) interior coating and varnishing technology that allow for perfect tuning, exceptional sound and playable in 3 registers. Precision mouthpiece inlay of exclusive cutting-edge design of master Zapata reference Koumori (singing bat mouth) that allows a better blowing experience, sound and control of its tessitura.

This offer gives you the opportunity to carry today:

  • A professional Mumon Ryu Koumori jiari flute (1.8 D4).
  • A flute stand assembly rack.
  • Blow Your Mind ride Your Tone hardcover deluxe edition book.
  • 4 moths or 1 year of shakuhachi master course membership with 1 or 3 study cycles (depends on your choice of membership plan) activated in your customized online classroom.
  • 8 or 24 hours of scheduled tutoring every 15 days for the time of your choice of membership plan.
  • Includes cloth bag to protect your flute. 
  • Sheet with notation and fingering chart.
  • Certificate of authenticity of the instrument.


( ! ) STUDIO RECORDING HIGH-QUALITY INSTRUMENT ( ! ) / ( ! ! ) The MUMON RYU JIARI SERIES® BX3 KOUMORI® precision inlaid mouthpieces design is the exclusive property and creation of master ©Ricardo Zapata. Any copy or reproduction of this registered design is prohibited. ( ! ! )

Mumon Ryu Professional Studio Pack

SKU: Studio-Pack
PriceFrom $1.491,00
  • Place your pre-order on this product page. The photo of this product is a reference. All our flutes in this series are very similar and carry the same standard of finish, 100% colombian materials, unique Zapata master aesthetics and quality workmanship. This product is available in stock. A video will be recorded and shared with you, demonstrating the performance and quality of the flute we will send you, with photos of the product and the real live sound of the instrument. This product is not eligible for return or exchange (T&C apply).

    1. Take to the shopping cart your pre-order, read and accept our terms and conditions, privacy policies. And place your order providing your correct shipping address, phone number and full name (at this point your order has not yet been accepted and processed).

    2. Send the following requested documentation within 24 hours through our online chat, without it we will not process your order. After this time and without this information, your order will be canceled and will not be processed:

    2.1 Send your national identity document.
    2.2 Send a picture of you holding the same identity document you are sending us.
    (We request this information for your own safety and ours. We want to know that you are really the person placing the order, that you know our policies, terms and conditions and avoid online fraud).

    3. Make your payment from the payment instructions we will send you. Without this payment 100% credited to our account we will not process your order in our shop. 

    4. Watch the flute audition video when we send it to you and immediately give us a confirmation via chat where you clearly express that you watched the video and agree with the instrument we are going to send you and you will receive by quality courier.

    5. Your flute is packed and shipped by mail, and you will be sent a tracking link that we can both follow (T&C shipping policy apply). You should be aware that this product may generate taxes when arriving in your country and it is up to you, not us, to pay these applicable taxes. 
    Enjoy your blowing & sound experience with this wonderful instrument. Feel free to contact us through our official channels on this page if you have any questions. We are always willing to answer.

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