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🎧 Listen to the audio with headphones and enjoy the super bass background of the O-dake chokan 大太竹長管 sutra blowing gym jimori and the beautiful melodies of the shingon jiari! 🎧 

From the bamboo forests to the stage, this is our motto that bets on the sound, look and feel of a high quality instrument ready for the professional stage.




Strengthen your Hara breathing by playing a very deep Otsu no Ro. Enjoy producing many overtones from a single long piece of holeless bamboo flute by changing your embouchure technique and lip posture. This blow training tool helps you strengthen your lower Otsu no Ro blow and change your lip posture and blow pressure to achieve up to 12 different overtones from any fingering position. It is a long bamboo flute (Odake-chokan 大太竹長管) without holes.


"When I train my students in the arts of hiken-jutsu or Japanese secret sword techniques, I use a very heavy wooden sword to strengthen their arms, wrists, posture, with an exercise called Suburi-to, which means swinging sword practice, for no other purpose than to gain strength of the body especially their arms, wrists and back spine by performing cutting movements with this heavy tool. When they pick up a bokken (common wooden sword) or a real sword (katana), it is like holding a feather, and their movements flow like you cannot imagine.  The Odake Chokan Blowing Gym is one of my secrets to develop powerful blowing with a special breathing pattern to blow a shakuhachi professionally." - Zapata sensei 💪


This blowing tool is just like the suburi-to but to get blowing power, as the long tube forces you to gain power in your blowing, and learn to position your lips in many ways to find different air pressures to get up to 12 different tones in a tube without holes for fingering notations.

This is a great bamboo training tool for everyday use, then playing a shakuhachi with power and mastering your registrations will be very easy.


It could be or not wrapped 360º with handwritten japanese kanji with the HANNYA SHINGYO heart sutra (your choice). This beautiful root-end bamboo is fully covered with this sutra. Shakyo ritual (写経) practiced on each flute by Zapata sensei.
Precision Koumori mouthpiece inlay that will allow you to play easily with overtones and get an immediate sound. Dark root base and degradable to the natural color of bamboo. Natural varnished exterior to protect the instrument.


The flute includes a certificate of authenticity sealed and signed by the master luthier, and an informative sheet of the sutra. This is a verse-by-verse translation and numbered location of the sutra on the flute.
( ! ) Reference photos. All of our Shakuhachi flutes in this series are similar in bamboo appearance and aesthetics. The other decorative items shown in the photographs, other than the flute and cloth bag, are not included with the purchase of this product ( ! ).


Inner Color varnish
  • Line and series
    Line: Jimori
    Series: ODake chokan
    100% Colombian products and materials.

    Very long bass tube
    Body: Bamboo
    Bamboo type: Selected colombian bamboo
    Root end: Yes
    Bamboo thickness: Thick
    Holes: No holes

    Mouthpiece type: Koumori Inlay

    Keys: F3, E3, D3

    Inner: Partially covered with natural mixture and varnish
    Exterior: Varnished
    Optional: 360 Japanese kanji Heart sutra
    Hanko: thermal sublimation

    Blowing technique instructions and harmonics notation chart, fukuro cloth bag, Certificate of authenticity and informative sheet of the sutra. Flute stand sold separately.

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