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* Non-Returnable Instrument

From the bamboo forests to the stage, this is our motto that bets on the sound, look and feel of a high quality instrument ready for the professional stage.


Es muy cierto cuando te decimos que obtendrás un sonido de inmediato y poder tocar notaciones con precisión pasando por 3 registros completos (desde octava C4 a C7+) será muy sencillo, son 37 notas disponibles. ¡Es una promesa!. Esta es una flauta diseñada para profesionales y estudiantes que deseen tener la mejor experiencia de soplo y sonido en un shakuhachi. Precisión sin esfuerzo, no dudes en hacerla tuya para experimentar el sonido a la velocidad de un soplo!.


La serie Mumon Ryu Jiari Shakuhachi es nuestra edición limitada especial de flautas de alta gama diseñadas y selladas por Zapata, que presentan las mejores especificaciones, sonido, apariencia y diseño tecnológico para la mejor experiencia de soplo y sonido.


Nuestras flautas Mumon Ryu Jiari 地在り Shakuhachi mezclan la naturalidad del auténtico, resistente y robusto bambú Taiwanés (Madake taiwanés / Makino 桂竹), seleccionado después de 5 años de crecimiento a una altitud de 1000 metros y diferentes temperaturas, para fortalecer sus gruesas paredes de gran resonancia. Pasando luego por un largo proceso de curaduría y secado por 2 años más, para finalmente construir la flauta aplicando tecnología de revestimiento interior, ajustando distintos diámetros con especial mezcla y lacado final tradicional (urushi), brindando protección, un tono más vivaz, único y profesional en cada flauta.


Su diseño incrustado vanguardista de cuerno de búfalo de su boquilla de precisión Koumori uta-guchi 蝙蝠歌口 (Boca de murciélago cantor). Esta boquilla brinda una experiencia distinta en la física del instrumento, usted disfrutará de un sonido preciso y de alta calidad. Con ella usted puede alcanzar sin esfuerzo, claridad y precisión notaciones en sus tres octavas (ryo, kan y daikan).


Esta serie de flauta está hecha de bambú importado Japonés/Taiwanés (Madake/Makino), grueso con final de raíz, balance natural y estética perfecta e impecable.


Beneficios de una boquilla de precisión BX3 KOUMORI-GUCHI 蝙蝠口:

Su área triangular invertida de soplo ofrece un timbre distintivo al golpe del aire en la zona de diseño incrustado.

Al poseer un diseño de boquilla ancho y con una circunferencia cerrada pero profunda, permite obtener con precisión notaciones en sus tres registros, así como jugar con efectos de soplo, ángulos y direcciones para crear diferentes armónicos a lo largo de su borde de soplado.

Diseño de boquilla exclusivo que encuentra solo en las flautas de Zapata sensei.


Incluye: Flauta Mumon Ryu Jiari grabada en bajo relieve con kanji mumon ryu y sello (hanko) del maestro Zapata, funda de tela, certificado de autenticidad, hoja de notación e instructivo de soplado.


( ! )Toda nuestra línea de flautas Jiari Mumon Ryu Shakuhachi son similares en su apariencia de bambú de raíz e incrustación de boquilla. Color de lacado puede variar entre rojo o negro. Otro elemento decorativo distinto a la flauta y funda de tela en las fotografías no están incluidos en la compra de este producto. ( ! ).



It's very true when we tell you that you will get a sound immediately and being able to play notations accurately through 3 full registers (from octave C4 to C7+) will be piece of cake, more than 36 playable notations. It is a promise!. This is a flute designed for professionals and students who wish to have the best shakuhachi blowing and sounding experience. Effortless accuracy, feel free to make it yours to experience sound at the speed of a breath!.


The Mumon Ryu Jiari Shakuhachi series is our special limited edition of high-end flutes designed and sealed by Zapata sensei, featuring the best specs, sound, appearance and technology design for the best blowing and sounding experience.


Our Mumon Ryu Jiari 地 在 り Shakuhachi flutes mix the naturalness of the authentic, resistant and robust Taiwanese bamboo (Taiwan Madake / Makino 桂竹) , selected after 5 years of growth at an altitude of 1000 meters and different temperatures, to strengthen its thick walls of great resonance. Then going through a long process of curing and drying for 2 years, to finally craft the flute applying interior coating technology, adjusting different diameters with a special mixture and traditional lacquer finish (urushi), providing protection, a more lively, unique and professional tone in each flute.


Its buffalo horn inlaid cutting-edge design of precision mouthpiece Koumori uta-guchi 蝙蝠歌口 (Singing bat mouth). This mouthpiece provides a different experience in the physics of the instrument, you will enjoy an accurate and high quality sound. With it you can effortlessly achieve clear and accurately notations in all three octaves (ryo, kan and daikan).

The JIARI SERIES is a type of flute made of thick Tawainese-Japanese (Madake/Makino) root-end bamboo, natural balance and perfect and flawless aesthetics.


Benefits of a Bat mouth BX3 KOUMORI 蝙蝠口 Cutting-edge precision mouthpiece:

Its inverted triangular blowing area offers a distinctive timbre to the blow of the air in the inlaid design area.

By having a wide mouthpiece design and with a closed but deep circumference, it allows you to accurately obtain notations in its three registers, as well as to play with blowing effects, angles and directions to create different harmonics along its blowing edge..

Exclusive design found only in the Zapata sensei flutes.


For your purchase you'll receive: Mumon ryu jiari series shakuhachi flute, certificate of authenticity, blowing instructions and notation (fingering chart), fukuro cloth bag for the protection of the instrument (the design of the cloth bag is supplied according to availability, reference photo). Flute stand and course sold separately.


(!) Each shakuhachi is designed and inspected by master Ricardo Zapata. High quality Jiari series professional bamboo flute. All of these shakuhachi flutes are made from selected Taiwanese-Japanese makino bamboo and each is low-relief carved with Ricardo Zapata's hanko (master's seal). This instrument has been accurately tuned. Buyer audition Quality Test done personally by Zapata Sensei to demonstrate tuning and audio perfection for this instrument. (!) (!) Reference photography. Other decorative elements than flute and cloth bag visible in the photographs are not included in the purchase of this product. (!)


( ! ) Reference photos. All of our Shakuhachi flutes in this series are similar in bamboo appearance and aesthetics. The other decorative items shown in the photographs, other than the flute and cloth bag, are not included with the purchase of this product ( ! ).


The MUMON RYU JIARI SERIES® BX3 KOUMORI-GUCHI (Bat mouthpiece) precision inlaid mouthpieces design is the exclusive property and creation of master ©Ricardo Zapata. Any copy or reproduction of this registered design is prohibited.

Professional 1.8 Jiari Shakuhachi Mumon Ryu Koumori Series key of D

  • Place your pre-order on this product page. The photo of this product is a reference. All our flutes in this series are very similar and carry the same standard of finish, 100% taiwanese materials, unique Zapata master aesthetics and quality workmanship. This product is available in stock. A video will be recorded and shared with you, demonstrating the performance and quality of the flute we will send you, with photos of the product and the real live sound of the instrument. This product is not eligible for return or exchange (T&C apply).

    1. Take to the shopping cart your pre-order, read and accept our terms and conditions, privacy policies. And place your order providing your correct shipping address, phone number and full name (at this point your order has not yet been accepted and processed).

    2. Send the following requested documentation within 24 hours through our online chat, without it we will not process your order. After this time and without this information, your order will be canceled and will not be processed:

    2.1 Send your national identity document.
    2.2 Send a picture of you holding the same identity document you are sending us.
    (We request this information for your own safety and ours. We want to know that you are really the person placing the order, that you know our policies, terms and conditions and avoid online fraud).

    We are committed to the security of user data, so your privacy is as important as the authenticity of the identity of each member and user. Our study community is based on trust and transparency with all members and users.

    All members must provide true identity data. Pseudonyms, aliases or false names will be rejected and will be understood as identity theft and attempted fraud.

    3. Make your payment from the payment instructions we will send you. Without this payment 100% credited to our account we will not process your order in our shop. 

    4. Watch the flute audition video when we send it to you and immediately give us a confirmation via chat where you clearly express that you watched the video and agree with the instrument we are going to send you and you will receive by quality courier. It is your responsibility to watch this video and manage the document. A second and last communication via email will be sent to you if you ignored the first one, so that you can watch the video and download and sign the document. Once you have read and received it, and if you do not proceed with your management, we take for granted your approval of shipment as it is our priority to meet the delivery times of the ordered product. It is up to you to watch or not the video and sign the form, it is your responsibility and ours to fully comply with the order within the stipulated time.

    5. Your flute is packed and shipped by mail, and you will be sent a tracking link that we can both follow (T&C shipping policy apply). You should be aware that this product may generate taxes when arriving in your country and it is up to you, not us, to pay these applicable taxes. 
    Enjoy your blowing & sound experience with this wonderful instrument. Feel free to contact us through our official channels on this page if you have any questions. We are always willing to answer.

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